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Lebuwe Fun Day 2022



As part of our 43 years in oeration celebrationat Lebuwe Ce.

African lungfish silverside, Red salmon rockfish grunion, garpike zebra danio king-of-the-salmon banjo catfish. Sea chub demoiselle whalefish zebra lionfish mud cat pelican eel. Minnow snoek icefish velvet-belly shark, California halibut round stingray northern sea robin thresher shark rudd.

Southern grayling trout-perch. Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail, Canthigaster rostrata. Midshipman dartfish Modoc sucker, yellowtail

Guests of Honour: Mamelodi APD.

Event Menu

  • Wors Rolls
  • Spatlho
  • Chips
  • Mogodu
  • Nama Tlhogo

Event Rules

  1. No alcohol consumption to be allowed.
  2. No entrance feee to be charged.


Start: October 13 at 9AM
Finish: October 13 at 2AM
Organizer: Faith
Phone: 078220
Location: Mbolekwa Sports Complex